Alumni Event Calendar

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  • Event Start
    30, Nov 2018
  • Event End
    02, Dec 2018
  • Location
    Welham Boys' School
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  • Event Details

    The 81st Founder’s Day rolled in with the Batch of 1993 celebrating their Silver Jubilee Year. The celebrations opened with the eagerly awaited marchpast of the WOBS contingent led by the Batch of 1993, along with the other four School Houses. Also joining the contingent, were members from the 1998 & 2008 Batches and other Batches. Following the AGM in the afternoon, the Old Boys, Ex Teachers and the present school Staff gathered for the WOBS dinner in the evening. The Batch of 1993 with their spouses and children was present in full strength. They then handed over the key of the 26 seater AC bus to the Principal, donated by them to the school.

    The Society presented Silver Salvers to Mrs Shashi Chaturvedi (House Mother) & Mr Arun Sharma (HOD Sports), in appreciation of their long standing services in school. Cheques for Rs 21,000/ each was presented to two Retired Support Staffs, Mr Hazai (Sweeper) and Om Chand (Sweeper). A cheque of Rs 11,000/- was presented to Mr Jagat Singh Rawat (Cook), in appreciation of his long standing services in school. The Old Boy’s Assembly the next day saw the Batch of 1993 driving into the campus in the new bus, to attend the assembly and the Principal’s Lunch.

    The celebrations climaxed with the Batch party at Abhimanyu Cricket Stadium. The Batch arranged to fly in the ‘Sultan Niazi’ brothers, from Mumbai, to entertain the crowd with some Qawwali music. The crowd present, then hit the dance floor to shake their legs and bodies to some throbbing Dj music. Not to forget the drinks, dinner, brotherhood and camaraderie, that added to the celebrations.Until next year.. from Strength to Strength...

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Welham Old Boys' Society
5, Circular Road, Dehradun,
Uttarakhand, India
Phone: +91 - 8272040507

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